Helpline Screen Reader

Digha Sankarpur Development Authority

(A Statutory Authority under Deptt. of Urban Development & Municipal Affairs, Govt. of West Bengal)

Chairperson's Message

As we gather to reflect on our progress and future initiatives, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering commitment to the development and sustainability of the Digha, Sankarpur, Tajpur Mandarmoni area. Our shared vision of transforming this beautiful region into a thriving hub for tourism and community living is becoming a reality, thanks to your hard work and dedication. Digha, Sankarpur, Tajpur Mandarmoni hold immense potential, with their stunning coastlines, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant communities. It is our responsibility to harness this potential while ensuring that we protect our environment and enhance the quality of life for our residents. Our focus on sustainable development will guide us as we plan infrastructure improvements, promote eco-friendly tourism, and support local businesses. I encourage each of you to continue collaborating and innovating as we tackle the challenges ahead. Your insights and expertise are crucial to creating strategies that balance growth with ecological preservation. Together, we can create a sustainable future that honors the beauty of Digha-Mandarmoni and serves as a model for other regions. Thank you for your dedication and passion for this vital work. Let’s continue to strive for excellence in our efforts to make Digha, Sankarpur, Tajpur & Mandarmoni a better place for everyone.



Shri Purnendu Maji,

D.M., Purba Medinipur

& Chairman, DSDA